Committed to providing our neighbors with the highest quality meats and meat processing services in Northeast Washington.

2450 Heine Rd, Chewelah, WA 99109
Smokey Ridge Meats
Customer Guidelines
Last Updated March 2022, subject to change without notice
It is our goal at Smokey Ridge Meats to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services possible. The following guidelines have been put into place to help us do so while also maintaining the viability of our business in hopes that we may continue serving our community for many years to come. These guidelines are applicable to all customers of Smokey Ridge Meats unless special arrangements have been made with the business owners.
Slaughter fees are due at the time the appointment is made. Dates will not be confirmed until payment is received. Fees paid will remain refundable up to 30 days prior to the scheduled date. If an appointment is cancelled with fewer than 30 days notice, slaughter fees will not be refunded.
Slaughter appointments are subject to change at the discretion of Smokey Ridge. There are a variety of reasons this may occur. We will make every attempt to give the farmer ample notice whenever possible.
If slaughter is taking place on-site at our facility, customers may choose between USDA and custom processing. However, if an appointment has been made specifically for custom slaughter, it may not be possible to switch to USDA slaughter at the time of drop-off. Animals slaughtered under USDA inspection can be switched to custom for cut and wrap services, but custom slaughtered animals cannot be cut and wrapped as USDA inspected meat.
All customers delivering livestock to our facility are required to follow humane handling practices as described in the USDA’s code of federal regulations. All animals should be handled in a way that minimizes excitement, pain, injury, and discomfort. Services will not be provided to anyone engaging in the abusive treatment of animals. Generally, animals are to be delivered the day before your slaughter date, between 12pm and 2pm in the afternoon unless otherwise arranged with the office. Arrivals outside of these specified times may be subject to further charges.
We reserve the right to reject animals that are exceptionally aggressive and/or pose a serious risk to human safety, or the physical integrity of our facility. Depending on the severity of the situation, aggressive or dangerous animals may be refused for processing. Animal owners may be charged for damages to the facility caused by aggressive animals.
Additional charges will be applied for handling of especially large animals (cattle with hanging weights over 900lbs and pigs with hanging weights over 350lbs).
Customers will be given the opportunity to choose how their meat is cut and packaged with the use of our Cut Instruction Questionnaire, or the link on our website. Customer’s information and cutting instructions are due when animals are delivered for slaughter. If instructions are not provided by that time, we will attempt to contact each customer prior to cutting if usable contact information (phone number or email address) has been provided.
It is the farmer/business owners’ responsibility to collect complete contact information and cutting instructions for their own customers and to ensure their customers are aware of the guidelines listed here that are also applicable to them. Standard cutting instructions provide a commonly selected assortment of cuts.
We will divide carcasses larger than 100lbs hanging weight into two separate orders at no extra charge.Carcasses under 100lbs can be divided in half for an additional $25 per half and carcasses over 300lbs (beef and buffalo) can be divided into quarters for an additional $25 per quarter. All quarter orders are cut standard with no exceptions.
Please plan to pick up your meat as soon as possible after processing is complete.All customers will be notified when their finished product is ready for pick-up via the telephone number(s) or email address provided. A message may be left if a customer does not answer.
After first notification, finished product may remain stored in our freezer for up to 5 business days without charge.
Beginning on the 6th business day following the first notification that product is ready for pick-up, customer will be charged an additional $3. per crate per day.
Orders need to be picked up all at once. For example, you cannot pick up half your order and leave the other half in our freezer to pick up at another time.
Product unclaimed beyond 30 days will be considered abandoned and will be donated or disposed of as deemed appropriate by our management staff..
All payments are due in full at time of pick-up.
We will respond respectfully and thoughtfully to any expressed concerns about the quality of products or services received, but cannot guarantee reimbursement of paid invoices.
Processing charges are based on the hanging weight of each carcass. Customers must understand that there is a standard amount of weight loss when the carcass is trimmed, cut and wrapped to chosen specifications.
For various reasons related to sanitation and food safety, parts of some animal carcasses must be discarded. It is at the discretion of our management team and cutting crew to determine whether or not questionable meat can be salvaged.
Our management team and cutting crew will also use their best judgment to determine whether or not all customer requests can be filled (i.e. if certain cuts are of adequate size for further processing). Customers will only be charged for processing that is completed.
Thank you – we appreciate your business!